2023's C o m m i t t e e s

Geopolitical situations around the world have forced millions into situations of acute torture and abuse. Lack of international regulation and discourse because of the national autonomy of personal states has left the global community and the very idea of human rights at a disadvantage. Delegates were tasked with having conclusive discussion and negotiation to discuss these circumstances.

The geopolitical situation of the world has forced millions into situations of acute torture and abuse. Lack of international regulation and discourse has left the global community and the very idea of human rights at a disadvantage. In this committee, delegates were tasked with having conclusive discussion and negotiation to discuss these circumstances.

Delegates were tasked with handling issues ranging from the monopolistic behaviour of large tech companies and their mass data collection all the way to cyber warfare by states and non-state actors.

At SYDMUN 2023, delegates tackled the Niger Crisis, and the polarising debate of whether to instigate military intervention. Following the coup d'etat and formation of the military junta, delegates simulated the ECOWAS defence chiefs and attempted to manage politics across Africa as a whole.